Last year, we received numerous requests for various types of training related to invention creation activities, preparation of invention proposals, and responses to office actions, as well as for filing many patents, designs, and trademarks. This year, we look forward to assisting even more clients with their intellectual property-related activities.
A DVD "How to create inventions?" has been released. We hope that this DVD will be used for educating engineers to create inventions. Please access this website (in Japanese) for details.
Because the number of members increased, SOCO IP LAW FIRM moved to a new office on April 10, 2017. Our new office is licated in Kanda of Tokyo as before. We look forward to your visit.
Several attorneys joined our firm, and the number of people reached sixteen last year including nine patent attorneys. We will continue to satisfy our clients by providing various services in high quality in 2017.
Two patent attorneys joined our firm. Please see introductions of attorneys.
The number of filings of patent applications that we filed much increased in 2014, and reached about 300 filings. The rate of patent issuance was 92%, which is much higher than the average rate in Japan. We will continue to provide quality services this year.
Our rate of patent issuance during 2012-2013 proved to be 96.2%, 50 patent issuances out of 52 patent applications. This rate is much higher than the average rate in Japan, 66.8% in 2012. We will do our best to keep this high rate by making documents in high-quality, and by effectively conducting interviews with examiners.
We were able to meet with Mr. Randall Ray Rader, the Chief Judge of CAFC on November 27, 2013, while he was staying in Tokyo. It was a great honor of us.
Our rate of patent issuance proved to be 94.7% in 2012. We will do our best to keep this high rate.
In Japan, the average rate of patent issuance after filing a request for examination was 54.9% in 2011. On the other hand, our rate of patent issuance has been 100% this year. All of the ten cases for which we filed an accelerated examination were patented.
There are mainly three reasons for that.
1) Our attorneys have years of experience as engineers, and so we can understand inventions well.
2) We draft logical and convincing arguments when a rejection is issued.
3) Our office is close to the Japan Patent Office, and we often interview the examiner who issued a rejection.
If you would like to obtain a patent in Japan, please contact us.
Mr. Izumi, our president, will provide a seminar "Invention Creation Project that will useful for enhancing your business," which is held by Japan Patent Data Service Co., Ltd. on March 16, 2012.
The seminar consists of a lecture of basics on how to create inventions, and a practical training with a virtual case. Since Mr. Izumi has experienced a lot of invention creation activities, he will provide various key features and know-how to create good inventions.
Our president, Michihiro Izumi, successfully provided a lecture "Let's conduct a project management in activities of invention creations" at the “Intellectual Property Management WG”on Octoer 8, 2011.
After his presentation, about thirty participants asked many questions, and we discussed about various aspects of invention creations.
Our president, Michihiro Izumi, will provide a lecture at the "Intellectual Property Management WG" on October 8, 2011.
Mr. Izumi has extensive experiences in creating inventions and in project managements as an engineer. He proposes using a method of project management in an activity of creating inventions.
If you are interested in his lecture, please contact us.
We provided a seminar "Tips for creating and using inventions" on August 24, 2011. All the participants were satisfied with the contents and they evaluated the seminar to be "very useful" or "helpful." In particular, they got interested in how to create inventions by using a method of project management. Some of the participants have asked us to have a meeting. We appreciate for their attending our seminar.
Mr. Inoue of Boston Consulting Group visited our firm in order to discuss how to create inventions. People from Panasonic Communications, TEPCO, NTT, and Tokyo Gas joined the discussion, and we have found reasonable procedures for creating inventions.
Mr. Izumi, president of SOCO IP LAW FIRM, will make a presentation in the Society for Management of Intellectual Properties on October 8, 2011.
He plans to talk about how to create inventions based on his book “Invention Bible” published in January, 2011 in Japan.
The details will be provided later.
We will provide useful information on Japanese patent law and prosecution before the JPO.
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